Category: Uncategorized

NC State Undergrad – Complete!

With my undergraduate degree complete at NC State, I’d like to post again to commemorate my senior year’s capstone project. Started in August of 2022, the Team LOCH Aquatic Drone has gone through a rigorous design process that is influenced by industry practices. The purpose of the project was to gather industry experience and go

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VAL Work Concluded

This is a friendly update post-internship at Virtual Athletics League! I just finished updating the site with some interesting core information regarding my work there. Definitely go take a look at the new VAL subpage in my portfolio. Working at VAL was incredible: from this internship, I really solidified my love for logic systems and

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Update: Finished site!

This update, I wanted to signify that the website has been fully completed! In between my classes and homework, I devoted time to adding the final touches and grammar-checking everything. Since my last update post, I added project information to the remaining sub-sites and finished making them look presentable. In retrospect, this was nothing fancy;

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Update: Development week

Howdy! Another update strikes again, this time bringing updates to website completion. My primary focus since the last blog update has been targeting smaller portions of the website to completion. This included the Contact and the Home pages. The Contact page is fully complete, featuring an interactive contact form which allows users to send me

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Semester finish

It’s the 11th of December, and I’ve finished my semester strong. The most challenging course I took this semester was Dynamics and Controls, which focused on multiple-degree-of-freedom systems and solving eigenvalue problems. Since avionics and software is my concentration, I look forward to the challenges that courses like this present. With this month of break,

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MapleTracker Completion!

This time around, I would like to announce the completion of my spreadsheet-based tool, MapleTracker. This is a spreadsheet-driven tool which tracks responsiveness and stability of servers through an organized tracker, formulated using statistical analysis of ping data. To read more about the development of its functionality, refer to its page on my portfolio. The

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Site Creation!

This site is a summer project of mine. In my time between summer classes, I’ll devote my effort to provide information on my previous projects in the portfolio, and my work experience in the resume. My goal is to have the site completed by the start of my Junior year of college, so that I

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